Eine Frau balanciert eine Schallplatte auf der Schulter

Tailormade ambient music

– We like the sound of that!

ambient music

– We like the sound of that!

“Sound is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”*​

*(Rachel Zoe said it first, about style)

Premium brands need a premium selection

Your brand looks like no other, feels like no other, is like no other? Then, that is how unique your sound needs to be. The soundscapes we develop are tailor-made and hand-picked. We only allow experts for whom music is the elixir of life to work on your musical brand journey. Together, we bring your brand to life, create emotional connections with the people you want to connect with and voila – your brand has the soundtrack of a lifetime it deserves.

Junge Frau tanzt fröhlich mit Kopfhörern

Interior music design

Have you ever been in a restaurant and suddenly the music goes off? Anyone who has experienced this immediately knows that music plays a central role in interior concepts and room design. Music creates atmosphere and intimacy. The right music makes you feel comfortable and welcome and makes you want to stay and return. If you are still in the early stages of your interior design concept and music is as much a part of it for you as it is for us, we are happy to be involved right from the start.

Interior eines Hotels mit einer Bar

Always happy to help

If you need me, call me. No matter where you are. No matter how far... We are always here to help. We don't appreciate being put on hold ourselves, which is why we don't have queues.
Instead, we have lots of lovely people you can contact anytime. Whether you have a problem or a request or are looking for someone to clarify music licenses for you, answer a question about the collecting societies (GEMA, AKM or Suissa), or would like to share your latest idea, we look forward to hearing from you!

Eine junge Frau tippt eine Nachricht auf dem Handy

DJ Selected

Finding precisely the right music expressing a brand's essence, allowing people to feel it and thus understand it emotionally, requires a rather unique set of skills. You have to be able to read a room acoustically and emotionally to make it resonate: Does it need delicate background music? Should we make it a world to sink into entirely, or do we light it up and make it shake?! Audience, trends, mood, and brand feeling must be appropriately aligned. That's why our music editors are all active DJs. Their experience is the basis for the music selection, and their knowledge fills our music databases. New music is added every day. And because we've been doing this for a while, our database has grown to an incredible +250,000 hand-picked tracks and counting. A lot of it can't be found on the usual streaming services. We are very proud of that because it allows us to create individualized music worlds for your brand on all levels.

DJ Selected​

Finding precisely the right music expressing a brand's essence, allowing people to feel it and thus understand it emotionally, requires a rather unique set of skills. You have to be able to read a room acoustically and emotionally to make it resonate: Does it need delicate background music? Should we make it a world to sink into entirely, or do we light it up and make it shake?! Audience, trends, mood, and brand feeling must be appropriately aligned. That's why our music editors are all active DJs. Their experience is the basis for the music selection, and their knowledge fills our music databases. New music is added every day. And because we've been doing this for a while, our database has grown to an incredible +250,000 hand-picked tracks and counting. A lot of it can't be found on the usual streaming services. We are very proud of that because it allows us to create individualized music worlds for your brand on all levels.

More than music: All things music!

We are the solution for premium ambient music. You got that already. Awesome! But there is one more thing, or rather, All things! As your all-things-music-agency, we offer you a whole lot more. We develop music products and services tailored directly to your brand's needs. Music for your brand becomes music as the DNA of your brand. It gives live DJs, your own brand radio station, tech solutions, music productions... We live by the motto "Music is everything you haven't imagined yet" and always look for the next musical world expansion. And if it doesn't exist, we'll develop it together with you. From scratch. (Sorry, we couldn't do it without at least one teeny-tiny DJ dad joke).

More than music: All things music!

Dass wir die Solution für Premium Ambient Music sind, wisst ihr jetzt. Super. But there is one more thing, oder besser gesagt: All things. Als deine All things music-Agency bieten wir dir nämlich noch einiges mehr. Wir entwickeln Musikprodukte und -services, die direkt auf die Needs deiner Brand zugeschnitten sind. Hier wird aus Musik für deine Brand, Musik als DNA deiner Brand. Das können Live DJs sein, deine eigene Brand-Radio-Station, Tech-Solutions oder Musik Produktionen. Wenn es um uns als deine Agency geht, leben wir nach dem Motto „Music is everything you haven`t imagined yet“ und sind immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Musikwelten-Erweiterung. Und wenn es die nicht gibt, dann entwickeln wir sie mit dir gemeinsam. From Scratch. (Sry, ein DJ-Dad-Joke musste sein.)

Customized Technology